I will never understand little boys and dirt. It must be genetically programmed into them to love that gritty, grimy, rocky substance. I don't get it.
Yesterday Cougar asked to play in the backyard. The weather has finally started to be nice and we are all excited to be outdoors. So out my oldest munchkin went to explore and discover. And discover he did. He discovered:
1) Mommy likes dirt, but only when it is outside.
2) Dirt is fun to play in but not clean up.
3) Dirt sticks to sunscreen.
4) Mommy doesn't like to sweep the kitchen floor constantly.
5) Dirt does not taste good.
6) Sunburns and dirt are not necessarily a good combo.
7) Mommy doesn't appreciate dirt like little boys.
8) Cougar likes bath time, but not with dirt in the tub too.
9) Mommy likes dirt a)in the garden and b)with flowers in it.
10) Mommy and Cougar think dirt is neat but not stuck to us, on the kitchen floor, or in the bath tub.
While Cougar had a great time during the day in the dirt, both boys loved our family adventure when Daddy got home from work. This is another thing I will never get- high tech bikes. I would love a nice banana seat bike, but no Brian got me the mother of all bikes with 6 gears and other crap I have to learn how to use. What happened to just pedaling however fast you want to go? I'm not doing the tour de france, just taking my kids around the neighborhood. What-e-ver! (Not that I'm complaining, I love the bike, I just like simple things too!)
We finally invested in some nice bicycles and a trailer for the boys. Last night was the maiden voyage for Mommy's bike. It has been years since I have ridden a bike (I crashed as a teenager, had iodine poured into my road rash by my Grandma, and vowed never to get on one again.) Somehow Brian convinced me to get a bike because 'it will lead to great family adventure', yeah right! So we all hopped on/in. On for Brian and I, in for the kids. And took a little ride all around our neighborhood. We ended up at Wendy's for some dinner. It was an event to celebrate.
Mommy didn't crash, fall, or hate every minute of it. Brian on the other hand, hesitated a moment too long and fell over because he couldn't unclip fast enough. (I giggled inside but asked if he was okay.) But we sure had a good time. Cougar slept the whole time, Beckett got upset because Cougar was laying on him the whole time, and I was cursing Brian for the first few minutes (then I was fine). Beckett loved everything about moving but he did not like being stationary. I could actually hear him saying 'No Stopping, Dad!' It was great! Happy Family Home Evening from the Carters.