I took the boys over to my parent's house while I had all the Young Women at my house a couple weeks ago. By the time we were finished it was after Beckett's bedtime. I sent Brian to retrieve the boys while I was in a meeting. When Brian walked in the door he had a very upset look on his face. I thought for sure he had totaled the car or something equally as serious. . . He looked at me and said, 'Both boys are asleep in the car and Beckett is wearing PINK PAJAMAS!' I just about died laughing. For those of you who are familiar with my husband you will understand the full impact of these words. I don't think he would have been any less disgusted if I had served worms for dinner. The horror in his voice was evident.
It was quite funny. Every time I think about it I laugh out loud. To me this is not a big deal but to Brian. . . This is very important. It ranks up there with boys wearing lipstick, dressing in drag, or women growing beards. It is just not done. I don't think I will ever forget this. And just to be certain I took is picture the next morning. . . I would not be a good mother if I didn't document all of our moments. . . The good, the bad, and the unspeakable: Pink Pajamas.
While I am telling stories. Cougar has some very exciting news. His new favorite movie is Fraggle Rock. Don't remember it? It is a very old Jim Hensen Muppet show. I watch it quite often now and I must say it is just as catchy as when I watched it as a child.
Coug is also learning new phrases. The most popular being, 'But why Mom?' 'I can't do it, it's too late.' and 'It's my favorite!' We are definitely broadening our horizons. For the most part I just look at him and laugh. Most of the time I don't know what else to do. For instance, when he takes all of the blown Easter eggs and crunches them up into little pieces all over the kitchen floor. Or when he gets the lid to the Johnson's Baby Wash stuck in his mouth and panics because he can't get it out. Or when he 'helps' Mommy by taking all the eating utensils out of the drawer and places them neatly on the floor or hides them in his bedroom. He is such a big helper!
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